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Welcome to the Non-Partisan Delaware Website

Welcome to the Non-Partisan Delaware Website!

Non-Partisan Delaware is a ballot qualified political organization in Delaware. We are unique from many political organizations in that we do not have a fixed platform or policy goal. Our immediate short term goals are determined each election cycle by the NPD Governing Board through the development of an internal "Strategic Plan" and we focus on achieving those goals through public information activities, lobbying policymakers in coordination with our coalition partners, and supporting candidates for public office.

Our Strategic Plan for the 2023-2024 Election Cycle includes the following priorities:

  • Cannabis Legalization

    NPD is extremely proud that in our first year of operations, we were able to assist the Delaware Cannabis Advocacy Network and the Delaware Chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws to pass HB1 and HB2, legalizing personal use quantities of cannabis and creating a legal retail market.

  • Ranked Choice Voting

    NPD is coordinating with Rank the Vote Delaware to promote the study and implementation of ranked choice voting in Delaware elections.

  • Abortion, Gender & Sexual Minority, and Gun Rights

    While these issues are rarely considered together and often find little common ground between the traditional "right" and "left", NPD views all of these issues through the perspective of individual privacy and the rights of individuals to live as they choose.

  • Education, Land Use, Environment, Broadband, Criminal Justice, Other

    This catch-all refers to areas we would like to work on as opportunities arise, but have not put together a more focused and cohesive approach.

On these issues and any others, Non-Partisan Delaware hopes to provide a perspective outside the common left-vs-right paradigm based on thoughtful and thorough analysis, open but skeptical towards new information, and unconstrained by ideological dogma.

Our Board members, after years of activism, have developed a healthy skepticism of coercive, majority-imposed policies over those based on mutual consent and individual dignity. However we recognize the need for pragmatism as we seek to find ways a new and small organization on the Delaware political scene can make a positive difference!

Keep scrolling for News and Updates, or follow the links on the side bar to the right (below the newsfeed on mobile) to connect to our social media communities and get involved. We hold monthly Meet Ups in all three counties and someone is usually active on our Discord Server in between.

Join us today!

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Non-Partisan Delaware Founded!

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Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Carlucci Coelho - Red Clay D

<<< Back to School Board Main Page.

The following response was sent to our survey.  The questions have been edited in between responses for clarity.

I apologize for my late response, some email issues occurred and they are now resolved now.

1. Why are you running for School Board?

1- I am running for office to be an advocate for children in our schools today who lag behind, who are bullied or are subject to violence and to help create a positive learning environment in our schools for all students.

2.  What personal connections do you have to your local school district and community?

2- I have developed friendships and connections with many teachers and school personnel, parents and students of the Red Clay School District, for the last thirty plus years ,I have become close to some of them. They have brought to my attention many issues and concerns in the Red Clay School DistrictI throughout the years and I have been a good listener, always trying different approaches to help out the community for a good outcome . Now I must be the voice for those who are not being heard.

3. How should district policy balance student privacy against parental rights?

3- Schools should be careful not to interfere with or break down the parent child relationship as it relates to their education and their life. That relationship should be primary in the child's life. Providing transparency can give a parent the ability to better support and endorse the students' efforts with academics, sports and social interaction at the school.

4.  What should be the district’s approach to overseeing curriculum, reading material, and lesson planning in the classrooms? 

4- Assuring better transparency for parents into their child's learning, both the curriculum and the environment; to promote vocational education in all schools; to assure our schools are safe for students and teachers, and to return our focus to the primary purpose of education - academics.

5. How well do you feel that your district currently serves students who are gifted, learning disabled, or who have other special needs? What policies does your district follow that should be improved, or adopted more widely? 

5- I feel that the district must do better to serve the needs of these children especially when it comes to their safety and the district must act now with strong policies on stopping the bullying to those students who are gifted, learning disabled, or who have other special needs, including other children who are in school because they want to learn and grow. 
Give them the environment to better suit their special needs for good education. Better and new ways of educating those who need more from our schools to have a chance at life, a chance at education. We need the policies to be for all children and parents, not just for one specific group. Districts should adopt more transparency for parents into their child education.